Snips T-Shirt
Quite a while ago I created a Star Wars the clone wars t-shirt design based on Ahsoka Tano, aka Snips.

It didn't get voted highly enough on the various t-shirt sites, and I had in truth not thought about it for a while.

Then a few days ago someone contacted me to ask if it was for sale anywhere. It wasn't but this prompted me to make it available.

So if you now look on my Red Bubble store you can see it. Direct link

**UPDATE ** - I have recently created a new version of this to go along with Star Wars Rebels, Click here to see the new version

All 13
The War Doctor Quote was something I wanted to do to complete the set of known doctors, however the 50th anniversary gave us a very brief glimpse of the next doctor.

Not strictly a quote I know but I wanted to see if I could do something even if we just saw his eyebrows !

So I thought why not put his eyebrows behind the words that introduced him.

The War Doctor Quote
When I saw the 50th anniversary episode I knew I had to create one more quote, and as there was a fairly limited amount of words to use, this seemd like the most appropriate.

I actually created it a couple of hours after the broadcast, which has to be the fastest turnaround from a doctor appearing to quote poster ever !

As you can hopefully see there is the UNIT logo, some Gallifreyan symbols, which were actually used most in the closing credits, and the three Doctors are represented, Bow Tie, Trainers and a quick sketch of the War Doctor.

SG1 Ready For Action
I have been playing around with this Stargate based design for some time but finally found a moment to finish it.

The idea was that all you could see was the event horizon of the gate and a silhouette of the SG1 team ready to go through.

I created it for a t-shirt and that is now uploaded to Qwertee, so if you have a spare moment please head on over and vote.

Doctor Who Quotes - The Full Set
Here they are, the full 12 quotes, and if you have been following along all year you will know why there are 12 not 11.

Click on the image for a larger version or see all the quotes, with more details on their creation and inspiration, on the main DW Quotes page.

Thanks to everyone that requested I created printed versions of these throughout the year, as you know I created a limited edition set of 12 quote cards that is now available for purchase in my online shop, there are only 50 sets available, so get yours while you can.

Doctor Who Quotes - Eleventh Doctor
So this is it the final quote in my year long project.

It is the quote you might expect from doctor 11, but people usually miss off the last part.

Which led me onto thinking how would the Leadworth Chronical report all of this.

So I decided to create the front page of an edition of the newspaper, and as you can see in this edition they have been following the Doctor quite a bit.

I packed quite a bit of Doctor 11's adventures into this one, including a representation of the new TARDIS roundels, the pandorica symbol and even an advert for Hedgewick's world :-)

This concludes the set, but I might just create another from the 50th anniversary if there is something quote worthy, and I'm guessing it will be quotes packed !

Don't forget the whole set of 12 cards is available for purchase in my online shop, there are only 50 sets available, so get yours while you can.

If anyone is wondering about that Silence portrait, I did actually create it entirely using countmarks before I decided to use it on the quote poster click here to see the full version of the portrait

Almost Human Countdown
It is a couple of weeks until Almost Human debuts in the US, so to remind you when here is a handy count down.

The graphics were designed by me but the genius behind the code to animate everything is Nikolai Svakhin - @Nikolai3d on twitter.

You can see this and much more fantastic Almost Human art on the Almost Human Task force website.

Hitch Hikers Live !
It's live !

The Sandwich Maker is live on for 1 week only.

Don't forget to use discount code 14DB7 for money off this t-shirt and any future t-shirt at Aplentee.

If you do purchase the t-shirt let me know on twitter or on Facebook

Please use the social media icons below to share the details with all your Hitch Hikers friends.

DoctorWho Quotes - FOR SALE !
The moment has finally arrived, I had no idea how the quotes would be received when I started creating them but it seems lots of you love them.

The launch of my brand new limited edition online shop now has the quote cards for sale.

As mentioned before there are 12 UK A5 sized cards featuring all of the quotes. As it's the 50th anniversary there is a limit of 50 packs being made available to purchase, when they are gone they won't be reprinted.

There is a small difference to the versions you see on this website, in that I have made the cards borderless, so you get a few more mm of art per card !

If you are wondering why the 11th Doctor quote is blanked out it's because I haven't officially posted about this one yet as it isn't November !

You can see the 11th Doctor quote but only by going to the shop website.

If you want to see a larger version of the image above Click Here

Ian in Spaaaaaacccccccce
I have been following the progress of the Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) mission on UK based tech reporting website The Register for many months.

Recently they posted an article to say that their 3D printed rocket powered space plane (yes we are living in the future) needed a paint job that was simple enough to use and that would stand out when the plane had returned to earth.

I had a think for almost a few minutes and came up with this design, nothing revolutionary, but I hope it passes muster and is good enough for the boffins in the Register's Special Projects Bureaux to pick it for the final mission colours.

This is an alternative version, suggested by someone in the comments of the Register post with a small tweak to the design to make it a little more symmetrical.

Doctor Who Quotes - Tenth Doctor
As October is here and Nerdfest is over I can now post the 10th Doctor Quote

This one is sort of two quotes in 1, the main quote of course being about Rose being left in another dimension.

The second in a sort of starry background universe is the 10th's favourite phrase ALLONSY!

If you are following the quotes project you will probably know that I have printed 50 sets of the quotes and they will be available for sale, that date is nearly upon us and I will post more details about how to purchase them very very soon.

Keep checking the main Doctor Who Quotes Project Page for details.

Almost Human
You may not be aware but starting soon in the US is a new TV show called Almost Human.

It is being produced by J.J.Abrams (Bad Robot) and J.H.Wyman, who also was the show runner for Fringe.

Set 35 years in the future, when police officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids, a human cop is partnered with a discontinued android with unexpected emotional responses.

A whole host of Hollywood actors and action aplenty this should be a fantastic TV show to watch.

So now to explain what this, and the icons below are, as you might recall I created quite a few icons for Fringe during it's final two seasons to help promote the show.

There are a few like minded souls from the Fringe days that appreciate what Joel Wyman and Bad Robot did for Fringe and we want to support this new show as much as possible.

So we have started creating things and promoting on social media where we can to help spread the word.

The image above is a small promotional banner to state the date (in US format for those Brits who are reading this). It is based on a machine seen in the promo videos which appears to help switch on the android police officer.

Below are four icons, one is an icon version of above, one is based on the police dept logo seen in the promos.

One is a little sneaky as it is a logo for an electricity company seen in a behind the scenes photo shoot, and the final one is one I created before even seeing a trailer which as a mechanical hand reaching out to a human hand, which I am assured has some significance in the show.

You can see these and many more icons that are free to use on Twitter and elsewhere on the Almost Human Icon Matrix which is being tested right now - Click here to see the Almost human icon matrix

Tahiti Its a Magical Place

If you have been watching Agents of SHIELD then you will know what this is all about.

I've uploaded this T-shirt design to Qwertee so if you have a moment to vote please do.

Nerdfest Here I Come !
The last packages arrived today for Nerdfest Comic Con in Nottingham this Saturday.

Yes THIS SATURDAY ! I signed up for this back in April and have no idea where the time went. Oddly enough at the same time it feels like it has been an age in coming with all the things I wanted to create for this only coming together in the last few weeks.

So what did the parcels contain I here you ask, well the answer is two things and 14 things at the same time.

The Iconic Series

A limited edition high quality digital print run.

I'm not saying these are iconic images, but icons in the computing / social media sense.

I wanted to mirror some of the icons I have used on my own social media profiles in print.

Each one is a 25cm (10 inch) square digitally printed on heavy weight matte card stock.

As you can see there are 10 images in the first series and each design will be limited to 45 pieces available for sale.

In case you are not familiar with the subjects, from the top left -

Blakes 7 - Revolution - Fringe - Star Wars / Flintstones - Hawaii 50 / LOST - Monty Python - Doctor Who (Clara) / Campbells Soup - Pinky and The Brain / Rosie the Riveter - Spaceships (my tribute to the space Shuttle) - Doctor Who Sontarans / Clone Wars.


I have 4 UK A2 sized posters to take with me to Nerdfest.

The first is some copies of the Fringe celebration poster which will be sold cheaper at Nerdfest than anywhere else online.

Next is my Animaniacs Hello Nurse movie poster, available for the first time.

Then there is my LOST Stained Numbers poster, available to the public for the first time.

Finally the Futurama / Ghostbusters mashup poster that I announced a little while ago, again available for the first time at Nerdfest.

The Animaniacs, LOST and Futurama posters will all be limited editions of 100.

Animaniacs is printed on heavy weight satin and the others are all printed on the same heavy weight matte paper as the iconic series

Doctor Who Quotes

Finally as I've already mentioned there will also be my Doctor Who quotes project cards available

12 UK A5 high quality printed cards containing quotes from Doctor Who, to celebrate 50 years, that I have been creating all throughout this year.

As you can see in the picture they have a custom wrapper and a few random sets will have a small bonus, but I won't tell you what that is as it will be a surprise for those that get one.

Of course as you would expect from me there will also be a liberal sprinkling of t-shirts for sale including your last chance to get one of the Sherlock IOU t-shirts that was for sale on TeeBusters a little while ago.

See you there !

Winner !
Following on from the LOST 2014 competition I am delighted to say I won !

In actual fact there are two winners as the bottle design is not 100% right for a simple one colour printed logo which I have to agree with.

Exactly how my design is going to be used is unknown to me at the moment but I'm sure the people behind LOST 2014 are working overtime and will let us all know soon.

Until then a special thanks to everyone that shared the details of the competition and voted for me !

A Clothing Revolution
As Cafpress announced a new NBC Revolution licence I thought it was way past time to upload some of my Revolution designs, including an all new Shut Up and Stay Here neon sign design.

So if you want to join the Resistance against the Monroe Republic, dine out at Hannigan's or just show off your power pendant then go to my Revolution Cafepress store to see what you can get.

Quotes for Sale
Since I started the quote project people have asked whether they will be for sale and at the start I had no illusions that people would do that !

So with me going to the Nerdfest Comic Con in Nottingham I thought that now would be the right time to see if I could find some way to let people purchase them.

I looked at quite a few options and yes I could have just put them all on Cafepress or Redbubble individually, but I really wanted to keep the collection together and have some sort of control over how they were printed.

After a lot of searching and weighing up options I found a company that would print them in bulk on A5 cards, the result of which you can see in the picture.

You can also see a small sneak peak of the final two cards :-)

The final "product" will be a set of 12 cards, 11 doctor quotes, plus the 8th Doctor Big Finish quote as a bonus, and there will only be 50 sets printed and sold.

They will be available first at Nerdfest in Nottingham, and assuming they don't sell out there they will be sold online shortly afterwards.

Follow me on Twitter - @Zort70 - to get the latest information on the sets.

One last thing, there will be some special sets in the 50 with a little extra, but I'll let you discover that for yourselves.

Futurama Poster - Ghostbenders
To celebrate the last episode of Futurama being broadcast (until the next time it is revived of course) I thought I'd create a poster to celebrate.

So my inspiration was the episode "Ghost in the Machines" and then the logical step was to mash Futurama up with Ghostbusters.

I was going to keep this as an exclusive poster to be launched and sold at Nerdfest in October, but as the final episode is in only a couple of days I had to show a preview now, but it will still be a Nerdfest exclusive, and if there are any left then I will sell it online.

Doctor Who Quotes - Ninth Doctor
The ninth in the Doctor Who quotes project was a slightly tricky one, not because of the quote but because of how to present it.

I knew I wanted to include the Bad Wolf Graffiti element so a wall was going to be the background, but I didn't want to have the quote as graffiti.

So I thought why not present it as an advert, and the idea was born. Unfortunately I found out after creating this that a world famous poster artist had a similar idea for one of his projects, but sometimes worlds clash and there is nothing you can do.

As to the quote itself, I love the metaphor of time travel being like visiting Paris, it shows the ninth doctor had the traditional impish sense of humour behind the rugged exterior.

Oh yes, you might also see a sneaky Slitheen cruiser thrown in for good measure.

See all the quotes so far by clicking here

S.H.I.E.L.D. Icon
A quick profile icon idea, just a recreation of one of the many versions of the new Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show logo.

Click on the image for the full sized version.

I follow the antics of the ph.Geek podcast on a regular basis and thought that this might be a suitable icon for the podcast to use, so I created it, showed it to them and they loved it.

So if you get a moment, love podcasts and want to learn more about the S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show then head on over to their website and start listening today -

A quick update as ph.Geek has been transformed into Phantastic Geek !

Same great podcast, slightly longer name :-)

So of course I had to update the logo, so I gave Phantastic a little Avengers A detail and the white colour really makes the name stand out.

Island Protectors - 5-0 LOST Mashup
So after starting to design this over 2 years ago I've made some little tweaks and finally made it available as a t-shirt on Cafépress and Redbubble !

Link to Cafepress

Link to Redbubble

LOST 2014 Logo Competition
Below are my competition entries for the LOST 2014 logo competition, click on each one for larger versions and underneath each one is a vote link.

More Information

I had already created one of these images before the competition was announced in anticipation of this moment :-)

The first one I created was the McCutcheon bottle label design, however the first version had the Ajira and Oceanic airlines logos in the background of the label but as the rules of the competition don't allow them I had to swap them for a polar bear and the Taweret statue.

In the center of the label is a watch face and I have altered it from the original to include some familiar names.

The second design I created was in response to the competition asking for a "logo" so I decided to strip everything back and just make it as simple as possible, the frozen donkey wheel features in a little more detail with a simple font based statement of the event name.

The third design evolved from an idea I had a while ago but never worked on until now.

It is of course Jacob's bottle he used to describe the nature of the island to Richard (Ricardo) when he arrived.

I decided to include a little diorama of the island and tried a few elements to represent the show. In the end I chose a polar bear, palm trees and the lighthouse, plus light shining out from the swan station hatch and hitting Oceanic 815. (by the way items are not to scale !)

There is also a little whisp of smoke up near the cork trying to escape in the form of the numbers.

The fourth design was a slightly later entry, I had an idea about creating a compass based design like Locke's that Richard shows him when he is young.

However looking at images of the compass prop, it isn't that remarkable and looks pretty much like any other compass. So I thought I'd come up with something slightly more original. Although the end result isn't entirely compass like it was the sentiment behind the design.

I also made a decision to go for a 1 colour design (1 colour plus a background), around the outside are of course DHARMA station logos.

I have had one comment to say it looks like a poker chip design, which I have to agree with, and I'd love to see if this would work at that size.

Thanks for reading this rather long post and you can read all about the LOST 2014 Fan reunion by going to the website

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